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SGU Work From Home

Working From Home today typically begins when employees set up a workspace in their homes where they can do their jobs — including everything from preparing presentations and reports to conducting phone interviews and developing software.

Remote work

Remote work typically refers to an employee who mostly, or entirely, works outside the company’s established offices. Usually the employee lives too far from the company’s actual location to commute daily. The employee may, or may not, work from their home, but they primarily work at a location other than the company offices.

Working from home

Working from home is exactly what it sounds like: work that you do where you live, whether in a dedicated home office or at an improvised location, such as your kitchen table or out on the patio on a nice day.

Working from home often describes a temporary situation, like what we’ve seen to comply with orders closing “non-essential” businesses during the COVID-19 pandemic

SGU Implement Work From Home not Remote Work, so stay at home 🙂

Method 1

You can working with your personal laptop or PC Desktop or SGU Laptop assets.

You need to use SGU VPN to access SGU Internal Website Application.

there is 2 methods using SGU VPN


you can access SGU Internal Application by accessing the web with your browser.

click here to download the manual instruction


click here to download the manual Instruction

you must connect the AnyConnect application before accessing the Internal Web Application

Methods 2

Using Cloud PC

you need to request the account from  IST Hotline

SGU Internal Web Application is a website that only can accessed from Internal Network SGU and forbidden from Outside Network SGU/Internet

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You’ll need different tools and technology depending on your department. But here are some gadgets and tech that can make any at-home worker’s day better, easier, or simply more organized:

  • G-Meet / Google Meet is a free service that lets you make conference calls and host video chats. It also offers real-time chat, video recording, screen sharing, calendar integrations, and more—so it’s the perfect tool for those who work in teams or want a little face-to-face time.
  • Google Calendar not only helps you keep track of your own schedule, but it allows you to schedule time with others. Plus, you can make it fun with custom colours and images.
  • SGU Google Email   this is our main communication when you Work From Home, so don't lose the track 
  • Wireless/Cable (noise cancelling) headphones can help you tune out whatever might be in the background—from children home from school to a spouse who’s watching television.
  • A strong wireless router or Internet access will help ensure you never lose connectivity with your team or clients, and that you can move throughout your home whenever that might be necessary.

Practicing self-care is important when working from home. Here are a few ways you can do it:

  1. Set boundaries. It’s easy to let work bleed into your life when you work from home. That’s why it’s so important to set boundaries so that you don’t find yourself working in the middle of the night—or relaxing well into the day. Set boundaries that work for you, and stick to them.
  2. Pack your fridge with healthy snacks. When you work from home, you may find yourself reaching for a snack more often than you did in the office. (It’s certainly easier to eat from home!) So, pack your fridge and cupboards with healthier options, so that when you do snack, you can feel good about the choices you’re making.
  3. Take a lunch break. Hopefully, when you were in an office, you took time away from work to eat. You should do the same thing at home—walking away from your work and workspace to eat a meal and decompress before you return to the job.
  4. Get up and move. Don’t forget to get up and walk around! Staying active during the day can help reduce stress, aid in creativity, and stave off boredom. Plus, stretching your legs from time to time—just like you would in an office, when you leave your desk to talk to a coworker or to ask a question of your boss—is good for your health.

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