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SGU Google G Suite Access and Policy


Swiss German University using Google for Education or G Suite for Education for online learning, online meeting/class, storages, calendar, email and others Google features.

Swiss German University has entered into agreement with Google to provide the Core Suite of services to Swiss German University students, faculty, and staff members

Only Students, Lectures and Staff with SGU Account can access the SGU G Suite facility.

Google offers the Core Suite through an agreement between Swiss German University and Google. Core Suite services include: Calendar, Classroom, Contacts, Docs, Drive, Forms, Gmail, Hangouts, Keep, Meet, Sheets, Sites, and Slides. Other services, called Additional Services, may be enabled, and those services require individual agreement from you as an individual. Please review the Manual documentation at  before you access the SGU G Suite. 


SGU G Suite email

SGU email can access from Gmail web or application by using students, Lecturers and Staff account with format :

Please see SGU G Suite Manual at for more detail


SGU G Suite Restrictions

Faculty and staff are reminded to review Policy SGU Data Management and Information Security before storing data in any cloud services, including any G Suite product.  Please note the account termination guidelines and the termination date for the account on the Access, Accounts, and Password Guidelines Web Site. Access and recovery past termination is restricted and not possible.


Google meet online meeting/class should be used for Swiss German University business or education matters. Please note that meeting room or class history is stored.






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